
US patent granted to das-Nano breakthrough technology

das-Nano’s has been granted US patent 10,267,836 last April 2019 for their quality inspection of thin film materials device Onyx. This device is configured to calculate indicative parameters of the quality of thin film materials based on reflection measurements. By measuring in reflection, the requirement of prior adaptation of the sample is eliminated and allows an easier and fast measurement process.

The deep knowledge and excellent work carried out by the das-Nano team of researchers has led to the patenting of their Onyx device, based on terahertz technology. Onyx enables the quality analysis of advanced materials such as graphene, thin films, and other 2D materials using a contact-less and non-destructive system.

Although anyone can apply for a patent, very few are able to get it. Obtaining this patent demonstrates das-Nano’s know-how and its mastery of terahertz technology, which has been a breakthrough in material analysis systems.

Terahertz waves were the only frequency range of the entire electromagnetic spectrum left to be used for industrial applications. However, das-Nano team has been able to make the most of it and multiple applications have been lately proposed for automotive, wind power and materials research based on terahertz waves. The fast and high-resolution measurements provided by Onyx make it a suitable device both for use in the laboratory and in industry, where large areas of material must be examined.

The obtaining of this patent is a reward for the effort and the great labor of das-Nano research team, who works daily to offer its customers the best terahertz systems on the market, keep innovating and developing technology for new horizons. Congratulations to our team!






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