
das-Nano at CTAG for Stellantis

das-Nano has successfully installed the IRYS system at CTAG for Stellantis to determine the thickness of every layer in car body coatings.

CTAG, the Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia, key partner of Stellantis, has tested for the first time a terahertz-based system for the determination of layer thickness in multilayer car body coatings. CTAG has completed different trials, such as repeatability trials and environmental conditions trials, with the IRYS system in finished car bodies, obtaining very successful results and confirming IRYS advantages over the currently used technologies:

  • Non-destructive
  • Non-contact
  • Fast and accurate
  • Automated
  • Full-layer thickness map
  • Valid for metallic and plastic substrates, among others
  • Valid for flat and curves surfaces
  • Inmune to vibrations
  • IP54
  • No need for recalibration stops

The collaboration with CTAG has been very fruitful from the very first moment and we want to thank them for their trust in das-Nano’s IRYS system!

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